《WRITE AS 木马椅》剧情简介
WRITE AS 木马椅是由理查德·谢泼德,詹妮弗·威斯菲尔德,金亨民执导,伊莎贝拉·帕帕斯,保罗·麦甘恩,格雷格·万斯,张宁江主演的一部脱口秀。主要讲述了:一道灰(hui)黑(hei)色的身影就像是有平台承托着一般一道宽厚(hou)的(de)裂(lie)缝横梗而出紧接着已经将(jiang)魔(mo)师公会的百位魔师保护在内转瞬之(zhi)间(jian)将水系(xi)两(liang)大至尊的威压阻挡在外大地剧烈(lie)的(de)颤(zhan)抖了一下伴随一(yi)声(sheng)低沉的轰鸣从那裂...黄黎命几年不(bu)见(jian)原来这(zhe)钻(zuan)石军团竟然是挖地前来躬身行(xing)礼(li)平等王麾下见过少(shao)主(zhu)几步来到(dao)姬(ji)动(dong)面前少主更加(jia)英(ying)姿(zi)勃发了黄黎命从(cong)火(huo)焰(yan)巨狮背上跳下姬动这才(cai)明(ming)白(bai)姬动摆了(le)摆(bai)手(shou)...
《WRITE AS 木马椅》相关评论
Watched the 3 movies version, which is a summary of the whole series. Some reviewers consider that the shortened films version is better, as its pace is less erratic & focused, and many useless / uninteresting scenes have been left out. Others consider that some important chara-dev is lacking. It's quite clear indeed that the director's cut gives the feeling of a very packed journey. However, I also believe that the formulaic format of the episode, in which the same elements have all to be gathered in every single one can be tiresome and a bit boring. The movies somehow shake up this generic structure. It has also to be noted that this series might be the best of the franchise.
看得出导演的艺术追求及美学上的造诣,战争余烬里的昏黄阴霾,笼罩在阴影下的伤兵、女人和小孩。同性恋女人因发病误杀了异性恋女友的小孩,女友则以此要求对方为其代孕。有评论由此认为本片体现了一种根植于伟大俄罗斯母亲传统的新型女性关系。这种跪舔女权的姿态未免太过于矫情和难看。其实可以和本片类比的同类题材(女同)作品是《WRITE AS 木马椅》,对比之下可以看得出本片导演叙事手法尚存的一些不足与稚拙。但在意象营造上本片略胜一筹。